Wild Hare Organic Farm

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We're back at it and we're looking forward to celebrating the start of our seventh year in business with you this week! We're ringing in a new growing year with a decent little harvest of Purple Brussels Sprouts, Parsnips, Robin's Koginut Squash and Lettuce for the Winter CSA. It is a super fun share by January's standards, and it is the closest thing I can give you to a thank you hug--in vegetable form.

I don't know that I've ever been so grateful for (or in as serious need of) a break as the one we just had. Last year took a lot out of us, and by December, I was hanging on by my last thread and nerve. But we've spent the past month weaving things back together--recharging as a family, reading, repairing leaky roofs (that rain!), making messes in the kitchen, mulling over piles calendars and catalogs, scrambling to order seeds, bickering, hashing things out and creating (tentative) growing plans for the year ahead.

A couple of friendly reminders/bit of light housekeeping as we reopen for the year....

Our Winter Hours and safety procedures are nearly identical to what they were at the farm in Fall of 2020, so please continue to mask up, give one another space and stay home if you don't feel well. Remember, contactless options are available.

As always, if you have trouble (planned or otherwise) making your scheduled pickup, we can arrange for an alternative option at the farm if you give us notice. Just call, text or email the farm and we can come up with an option for you.

On the topic of email--it has been my arch nemesis for the past two months. I've given the servers and powers that be all that I've got, but I know that some folks aren't receiving email from me. So, I've decided to revert back to posting the Wild Hare Weekly Newsletter to our website each week in addition to sending it out. I'll plan to email the newsletter by Monday nights and post to our website by Tuesday mornings. Hopefully this helps!

We look forward to sharing more details, including information about Spring, Summer and Fall CSA signups and procedures, very soon.

