The weather has been fair and foul indeed as we say goodbye to October. Though the clear afternoon cauliflower harvest that you see pictured above allowed some of our folks to work in short sleeves, there have been several fits of legit rain over the past few days that have us seeking out dry socks, warm spices and preheated ovens after long days of harvesting, washing and packing vegetables away for storage. This week, enough cauliflower heads are ready for the entire CSA to enjoy. They’re a month earlier than we’d planned, but who am I to complain—especially since so many customers have clued us in to the joy that is Whole Roasted Cauliflower. If you’re new to this technique as I was, just type those words into your search bar. There are so many delicious options to consider.
In addition to the tasty Purple Top Turnips that the crew harvested today, we’ll also have Sugar Pie Pumpkins for the CSA. Don’t worry, there will be another round of Pumpkins later on in November (closer to Thanksgiving), so this week, you can enjoy a practice run at a pie, or enjoy my personal favorite this time of year—Pumpkin Chili! Read on for recipes and links to get you from pumpkin to plate.
Better Late Than Never: Red Daikon, Spaghetti Squash & MORE! →
Sometimes you’ve got to give yourself permission to be a day late on getting the newsletter out, and this is one of those times. I’ve been lucky enough to share the farm with so many wonderful folks over the past week—not only our CSA members and the kiddos coming for their Fall Field trips (who are indeed many), but I was honored to spend a whole lot of time with my family honoring my grandma (aka, Pizza Nonna) who celebrated her 80th birthday last week. 88 guests stopped by her house to enjoy the roughly 30 homemade pizzas that we rolled out that day, including my grandmother’s Aunt Edie, who came by the farm on her own birthday last Thursday. One of the preschoolers who was here on a field trip that day excitedly hopped up to Aunt Edie and said, “Hi. Today is my birthday! I’m five today,” to which my aunt replied, “Hi sweetie. Today is my birthday. I’m 93!” The birthday girls spent several days together cooking up a storm, loving our winter squash and roasting the last few sweet peppers we’ve picked. Feeding the people you love is such a powerful thing, and looking around my grandmother’s house, watching us all cook together over the past few days, I had no question as to how it was that I ended up farming in this life.
The temps are cooling off, and the rain is supposed to return. I can already feel the sniffles creeping in, so I’m fighting them with sliced up apples and radishes (I’m winning too!). Did you know that radishes are great sources of Vitamin C? Well, they are. And that bit of heat at the back of the nose doesn’t hurt either. I’m going to be making this salad tonight I think. To go with some Red Daikon Radishes, we’ll also have Spaghetti Squash & Honeycrisp Apples for the CSA this week. Now that spiralizers are taking off in the world of kitchen gadgetry, just about any squash can be turned into a noodle. However, Spaghetti Squash just requires a fork and a bit of your time. You can certainly prepare it with Marinara sauce like its namesake, but Mark and I love it seasoned with warm spices and served in place of rice alongside Mexican and Indian meals, as one of our market customers suggested a couple of years back.
I can’t think of a more exceptional October than the one we’ve enjoyed thus far. But while we’ve got more sunshine than we know what to do with by day, for the past few mornings, we’ve seen the first light frosts out in the fields. Some of our most tender greens are showing it on their tips, so although we wouldn’t typically harvest something like Bok Choy back-to-back for the CSA, we’re going to make sure that we get to take bites of it out in the field before the frost does. Here’s what we’re working with this week:
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