Wild Hare Organic Farm

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Green Garlic Season is Here

Green Garlic might be my favorite Spring vegetable.  Bunched up, it looks a whole lot like its cousin the green onion, but it is indeed garlic through and through.  If left in the ground each stalk would eventually swell out into a fully mature bulb of garlic, but we pick it in its "green" state, because it is mild, tender and brings out the best in so many other Springtime foods and meals. It gets bonus points, because it takes very little effort to cook, which we find extra helpful during the busy planting season.  So many good, last-minute meals start with a bit of olive oil, chopped Green Garlic and whatever random vegetables or proteins I've been neglecting in the fridge.  Sprouting Broccoli...(again)? Into the garlic.  Greens?  Into the garlic.  Nuts, Prawns, Tofu?  Into the garlic.  Potatoes?  Asparagus? Pizza? Grains? Pasta? Salads?  You get the gist.  It is the perfect base to just about any stir fry and happens to be amazing chopped up and mixed in with your burger of choice too.  

The hens are apparently loving this early dose of summer weather as much as the humans, because they're laying SO MANY eggs. This means that that we'll not only have eggs for sale in the farmstand for the forseeable future, but this week, we're inviting all of our Spring CSA members to take home extra eggs with their weekly shares (an extra half-dozen for the Smalls and a full dozen for the Larges).  We'll also have a nice round of organic Cauliflower from Hedlin Farms in Skagit County, gorgeous heads of lettuce from our greenhouse and one last little round of Purple Sprouting Broccoli from the field.  

As you drive by or stroll the farmroads, you'll notice that the crew has been up to quite a bit of transplanting in the field, with much more to come.  As promised, we'll have our first round of assorted Lettuce and Snap Pea multipacks available for purchase at the farmstand this week, and by next week, tomato plants too!

Take care,
Take Care,