Wild Hare Organic Farm

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Frozen Fields => Time for Celery Root Soup!

Why do we bother growing all of these ROOTS?

Weeks like this one-–that’s why! Consecutive days of overnights in the twenties, with days lingering in the thirties mean that there are parts of the farm that will remain frozen indefinitely, and while it is true that many cold-hardy vegetables can withstand a certain amount of frosty weather, harvesting them while they’re frozen is a no-go.  Even the vegetables nestled under the cover of our greenhouses didn’t fully perk up until this afternoon, leaving us with a super short workday window before the sun started to go down again.  But thankfully, we invest hours on some of the longer days of Summer and Fall planting, tending, harvesting, washing and storing up an array of root vegetables with Winter in mind. We don’t always think of things like tomatoes and big roots being in the works at the same time, but they sure are.

All I want to do on days like this is hover over a big bowl of soup and let the aroma and all of that steam make me forget just how cold I am, how hangry I probably was, and how congested I may or may not be.  And this is something that Celery Root (aka Celeriac) does especially well.  And thank goodness, Claire was able to clear the last few Celery Root that we left to size up in the field ahead of this cold snap!

It may look like a weird little pineapple, but Celery Root is the cousin plant of the tall green stalks that we enjoy in late Summer and early Fall.  Unlike “stalk” Celery which grows tall leafy tops, Celeriac puts its energy into swelling into a nice root ball beneath the soil.  That root possesses a refreshing, savory flavor of Celery but with something closer in texture to a potato.  Just pare away the outermost layer, and you’re there.  You can dice up a little bit with carrots and onion into recipes that call for a bit of Celery, and leave the rest for next time. You can boil and mash them, you can enjoy Celeriac in nice pots of warm soup in place of potatoes, as David Lebovitz does in his Celery Root Soup recipe, which happens to be my favorite. And if you’re looking for a Winter salad, grating Celery Root up alongside Carrots and Apples and such makes for a refreshing slaw.  Creamy and delicious, Celery Root Remoulade makes a fantastic sandwich topper, for what it is worth.  If you’re looking for a few more reasons to love Celery Root, be sure to scroll through for a few more recipe ideas.  

Stay Warm,


  • Celery Root

  • Potatoes

  • Carrots

  • Yellow Onions

  • Stir Fry Greens (Large Shares Only

  • Frozen Blueberries