Wild Hare Organic Farm

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I don't know if you needed a pick me up today, but I sure did. And as a pleasant surprise, it came in the form of some gorgeous weather and a field of Purple Sprouting Broccoli. It was super sweet to sneak a snack of this morning, and I just know that you're going to love it too--stem, leaf and all, raw, roasted, steamed or otherwise. It is just too good for its own good.

Squash and roots do a great deal of heavy lifting for us in the cold months, but we try harder and harder with every year to chip away at Winter's cold, hard reputation and close in on the March/April hunger gap. We count on crops like PSB, many of which have been in the works for six months to a year, to carry us through until we can get truly rolling in the field. Overwintering is always a gamble, because so much can happen between August and April. Just weeks ago, we could see a slight pop of purple just before twelve inches of snow landed, and I figured we were toast. We lucked out this time, and as Mark would say, we didn't name our farm Wild Hare for nothing. So, when one of our crazy pursuits pays off, it feels extra special to share it with all of you.

This week will also mark our last hurrah with Pumpkins and Winter Squash. I know. Squash fatigue is very real for us too, so I was overjoyed to see that not one, not two, but THREE CSA members shared some new squash soup recipes with us last week. They're included below. We won't see it these gourds again until Fall rolls around, so celebrate however you see fit.

Many Thanks,